First Rule of Marketing: Know Your Users

Although every marketer knows that they should know their users, no company actually knows how their mobile app fits in to the users day-to-day life. Knowing this will give your marketing team super powers.

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When To Send Push Notification

When you know how your app fits into your users life, you know the exact time and place to send them a push notification. With Locatio, you can export this data and enter to your push notification tool to increase engagement or sales.

Coming Soon: Push Notification Service

We are currently working on Locatio Push; an automated push notification service which will use the data of when and where your customer mostly interacts with your app and allow you to send push notifications at the right time and at the right location.

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When to Send Email

Email open rates are one of the important metrics marketers always try to increase. Picking the right time and place can increase this metric considerably. With Locatio you can send emails with high engagement rates as you know when a user is at work, where they are most likely check their email.

When To Show In-App Promotions and Sale Events

Customers' usage of the apps change based on their surroundings. They cant freely browse at work, but have ample time at home. Locatio allows any sale events or in-app promotions to be shown to the user at the right moment when they have time to act on it, resulting in increased revenue for your business.

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When to Advertise Online

Locatio shows you when your customers are at work, and likely to be on a computer, and at home, where they are most likely to use social media. Using this data you can reach potential customers similar to your current customer base at the right setting and achieve a higher conversion rate.

When to Conduct Surveys

Surveys are an important aspect of every business which can help you to know your customers even further, but they have very low completion rate. Locatio can improve this by showing when the users at home, and therefore have more time and more likely take part in and complete surveys.

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When To Advertise Offline

Locatio gives you the data of when most of your users are at home or on the road and when they use your app. With this information, companies can decide when to place TV or Radio ads to maximize the reach and effectiveness of their campaigns.

Where to Advertise Offline

Offline marketing tools like billboards are still used frequently, but it's difficult to justify their cost. With Locatio, based on your customers foot traffic, see where the optimal location is for a billboard and if the investment makes sense.

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